Monday, July 19, 2010

Social Networking

After doing the Google search about myself, I did not find anything that worried me. Since I have already taught for two years, I was already aware that my personal information is available online. I have been careful to make sure that nothing emberassing about me can be found online. Some of the information I found on was outdated and innacurate.
Here is the link to the information I found on,%20West%20Linn,%20OR&g=name_pipl_scd_city01#:1065708067

When I did a Google search I found several people with my name that have questionable backgrounds but hopefully that will not reflect poorly on me in any way.

I have not had a reason to change any of my facebook pictures yet. There are no pictures of me drinking or doing anything regretable. I have always been aware that information on facebook could come back to haunt me. I also have not participated in many questionable activities that would damage my reputation.

I think teachers should be held to community standards. They are essentially role models for young kids. It is reasonable to expect teachers to behave in a responsible way and emulate good character that our children should exhibit as well. A teacher's speech should be taken into account in any setting. It is unfortunate when a teacher publishes a strong opinion online and gets fired for it, but that teacher should exercise good judgment at all times.

The most interesting story I read in the article was about the art teacher who was photographed in the nude. She was protected under the first amendment and the photographs were artistic. In that case I would have to agree with the teacher that she should not face reprocussions for that act. Clearly a professional's character should not come into question when they are furthering the profession of art.

I plan on continuing my healthy lifestyle. I have nothing to be ashamed of because I choose not to participate in lude or emberassing activities. I will, however, be selective in whom I let have access to my facebook page. I will also make sure that I word everything carefully in my blogs and on my website.


  1. Kevin Kevin Kevin. While I am happy that you have had a sheltered life, I hope that we can have fun changing that. I would have to agree about the first amendment. It seems ridiculous that as much as teachers contribute to society they are so willing to throw us under the bus. Glad to see we have similar views on this subject.

  2. Hello Mr. Kevin. I agree completely about the artistic photos and how she should not be facing professional reprocussions. I also agree that we should be held to community standard because we are role models in every aspect of life. Or we should be at least!
